Patch 1.2.2

New Features:
-Added an indicator that there is a shortcut in MPEC.
-Now you can't run multiple instances of the game at once.
-Slightly rotated "Jump Down" indicators in Citadel of Tarnow.
-Oczolud's ladder now slides down immediately after you defeat mages, instead of waiting a few seconds.
-Moved the final portal closer to the middle of the room, so it's easier to notice.

Balance Changes:
-Slightly increased heavy attack's damage.
-Significantly buffed damaging items.
-Changed Gola items' healing speed.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug that caused Ireneus' skulls to flicker when spawned.
-Fixed a bug that caused damaging items not to damage bosses.
-Fixed typos in several item descriptions.


Tarnow Souls 1.2.2 108 MB
Aug 17, 2022

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